Junior Cycle
2nd Year CBA Calendar
3rd Year CBA Calendar
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Compulsory Subjects/Optional Subjects & Short Courses
The curriculum offered in Presentation Secondary School is designed to allow students to engage with a broad range of subjects which are experienced through a wide variety of learning experiences.
Junior Cycle Core Subjects:
Irish | English | Maths | History | Religion (non-exam)
Wellbeing incl. CSPE, SPHE & PE
Wellbeing Module incl. Friends for Life, Digital Literacy, Choir & Guidance
Junior Cycle Option Subjects: (Choose 5)
Business Studies
Home Economics
Visual Art
Option Subjects
Choose 5
Watch the video to find out more about Applied Technology which will be introduced in September 2025
Junior Cycle Terminology
Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement
A JCPA is awarded to a student upon completion of their three years of Junior Cycle.
Click on the image to view a sample JCPA.
JCPA Privacy Statement
JCPA Explainer Poster
Classroom Based Assessment
CBAs are assessments that take place in second and third year.
Click on the images to find out more.
CBA Information Poster for Students
CBA Information Booklet for Parents
Other Areas of Learning
As part of the JCPA, students record 3-5 statements focusing on the skills and knowledge they achieved during the Junior Cycle, outside of normal classroom subjects.
Key Skills and Statements of Learning
The Junior Cycle is now based around a foundation of key skills and statements of learning. Students will experience and develop these throughout all of their subjects.
For more, click on the buttons below.