Leaving Certificate Applied
The Leaving Certificate Applied is a distinct, self-contained Leaving Certificate programme. It is designed for those students who do not wish to proceed directly to third level education or for those whose needs, aspirations and aptitudes are not adequately catered for by the other two Leaving Certificate programmes. The Leaving Certificate Applied is structured around three main elements – Vocational Preparation, Vocational Education and General Education - which are interrelated and interdependent. This programme is characterised by educational experiences of an active, practical and student-centred nature.
The programme consists of a range of courses, each designed on a modular basis. A module is of thirty hours duration. Each year of the two-year programme is divided into two sessions, September to January and February to June, to facilitate the modular structure of the courses. A module within a given course is usually completed within a session. Over the two-year duration of the programme the participants will complete 44 modules.
Subjects taken:
Vocational Preparation:
Vocational Preparation & Guidance
English and Communications
Vocational Education:
Mathematical Applications
Information Technology
Specialisms (2 taken - varies each cohort)
Hotel, Catering & Tourism​
Childcare/Community Care
Hair and Beauty
Office Administration and Customer Care
General Education:
Arts Education (Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts)
Social Education
Languages - Spanish/French & Communicative Irish
Leisure & Recreation (Including PE)
Elective Modules:
Assessment and Certification
The following principles apply to the assessment and certification of the Leaving Certificate Applied
I Assessment criteria to be transparent
II Participants to accumulate credit during the programme
III The centrality of the Student Tasks to the nature of the Leaving Certificate Applied
IV External examination to incorporate a wide range of techniques
V Provision for early leavers to carry credit for achievement
Participant achievement and performance will be recorded in three modes:
A. Module Completion
At the end of each Session the participant will be credited on satisfactory completion of the appropriate modules. In order to be awarded credit participants must
Attend the classes and out-of-school activities related to the modules and
Complete the key assignments related to the module.
No ranking of performance will be involved. A minimum attendance of 90% is required. The school must verify where there is absence due to exceptional circumstances.
B. Student Tasks
Individual performance in the Student Tasks will be assessed according to specific criteria (see the Student Tasks section of this book for details).
C. External Examinations
At the end of Year 2 participants will take final examinations in the following areas:
English and Communication
Vocational Specialisms (2)
Mathematical Applications
Languages (2)
Social Education