Presentation Secondary School Kilkenny
Choosing the correct second level school for your daughter takes time, reflection and care, especially if you believe, as we do in Presentation, that a holistic education is essential for all aspects of your daughter’s life and wellbeing. By promoting a positive and progressive ethos, we endeavour to cater for the needs of our pupils and to develop their talents. We are committed to providing a caring ethos in which understanding and mutual respect is fostered. Our teachers are renowned for their commitment to working with and achieving the highest standards of success with students of every ability range.
We develop pupils' confidence, self-esteem and self-discipline by having high expectations, a strong code of discipline and high standards; where our girls take up these challenges with great enthusiasm. We are a modern, innovative educational establishment where we challenge all our girls to achieve their maximum potential.

'Students are enabled to reach their full potential'
-Mission Statement

Subject Choice
Incoming 1st Year Students
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Business Studies
Home Economics
Visual Art
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New School Building
Have a look at our social media channels for regular updates on our state of the art new school building which started in October 2023.

From Primary to Pres
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